Natural Remedy for Eczema - Health Benefits of Flaxseed Oil for Great options for those trying to find eczema relief in a natural way!
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Submitted By: ntrlrmdyfreczema
Tags: Natural Remedy For Eczema Eczema Treatment
Categories: Other
FRANCE 24 Health - Medical Mistakes

Health - What happens when doctors slip up? Here in France, 900 medical errors are committed every day. We start with unnecessary treatment for cancer and why more people are being diagnosed with a disease they would have otherwise never noticed. Next, we go to Ethiopia, where obstetric fistulas caused by difficult births are a devastating disability. Finally, we consider the dangers of cosmetic surgery. FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7
Ranked 4.50 / 5 | 1 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: France24 Health Prevention Treatments Research Sickness Remedy Virus Ethiopia Medical Errors For Cancer Disease

Colloidal silver can be used safely for most ailments and for an extended period of time.
Ranked 2.86 / 5 | 101 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: baytree
Tags: Colloidal Silver Health Organic Water Effective Cold Flu Product Wellness Natural Use By Date Remedy
Categories: Entertainment

Try using this natural health remedy and making it yourself - cost effectively!
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Submitted By: baytree
Tags: Colloidal Silver Health Organic Water Medicine Product Wellness Natural Cost Remedy
Categories: Entertainment
Health Benefits of Cordyceps

The power within Cordyceps was discovered 1,500 years ago in the Tibetan mountain pastures. Chinese herdsmen observed that their cattle and livestock became very energetic after eating a grass-like mushroom - even the older animals became vigorous and more youthful in their actions. Chinese practitioners were soon making up powerful potions of this substance for many of life's maladies. Cordyceps regulates and ensures the normal functioning of various parts of the body, strengthens the immune system and promotes overall vitality and longevity. In traditional Chinese medicine, Cordyceps is described in detail and is considered potent at strengthening lung and kidneys, increasing energy and vitality, stopping hemorrhaging, decreasing phlegm, and as an overall tonic. It is a well known and important ingredient in Chinese medicine. It is very widely used both in clinical medicine and as a household remedy. Cordyceps provides tremendous health benefits. 1. It is very effective in reducing arrhythmia with an efficacy up to 94%. When the product was applied to 200 different ailments, no toxic side- effects were detected. 2. It can be used in the treatment of Chronic Nephropathy and Chronic Nephritis. Moreover, it has a diuretic effect and is good for the prevention of Nephralgia. 3. It helps strengthen the immune system of tumor patients who have received radiotherapy, chemotherapy or surgery. It is remarkable for stabilizing the hemogram, increasing the blood cells and protein for producing blood plasma and for eliminating side- effects after various therapies. Furthermore, the product is a synergist for reinforcing the efficacy of radiotherapy 4. It provides remarkable benefits for various Climatic Age Illness, Impotence, Emission, Neurasthenia, Rheumatoid arthritis, Cirrhosis, flabby waist and knees. 5. It is also effective in lowering the lipoproteinemia level, and in preventing Arterio-Sclerosis and Coronary heart disease, as well as certain other diseases related to blood vessels of the brain. 6. It helps stimulate the immune system of the elderly and strengthens their resistance to illness. Frequent dosage can prevent senile disorders. 7. Aging is due to the insufficient secretion of sexual hormones. Cordyceps Sinensis is, in this regard, a hormone stimulator. Moreover, the aging effect is to a large extent attributed to the rise of active monoamine oxidize enzyme inside the body and Cordyceps Sinensis can effectively inhibit the increase of such an enzyme. Thus, it is an anti-aging medicine which helps regenerate the organic functioning of humans. After a three-week dose, patients with the aforesaid symptoms may feel improvement. In general, this product is a tonic good for bodily nourishment and for stimulating brain activity. Long-term use can strengthen the body, improve organic functioning, strengthen the immune system and in turn, help bring longevity. Please visit our website to learn more about great universal health remedy. We have Certified Organic Pure USA grown Cordyceps, the best available on the market at very affordable price. Within days you?ll notice a positive difference in your overall well being
Ranked 4.76 / 5 | 210 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: tuborgisgood
Tags: Cordyceps Tibetan Chinese Mushrooms Remedy Health Benefits Side Effects
Categories: News & Events
Home Remedy: For Whitening Nails

Use these Home Remedies For Whitening yellow stained Nails. Hope this helps :) Don't forget to Rate, Comment and Subscribe ^_^
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Home Remedy Remedies For Whitening Yellow Nails Beauty Health Nail Polish Buff
Categories: How To
Home Remedy: Carrot Facial Mask

This is an easy recipe for a mask to help your skin. Anyone can make it and this is all you need... 2-3 Large Carrots 4 1/2 tablespoons of Honey Rate, Comment and subscribe
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Skin Care Home Remedy Remedies Beauty Health Face Facial Mask Carrot
Categories: How To
How to Remedy a Sore Throat

Remedy a sore throat with a few simple tricks.
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Submitted By: Howcast
Tags: HealthBeauty Health Nutrition Coughs Colds Flus Symptoms Remedy Healing Feeling Better
Categories: How To
Sore Throat Remedy and Natural Cure for Throat Pain Infections and Strep Throat Symptoms Sore throat remedy and cure. This is a natural remedy for sore throat pain, strep throat and sore throat infections.
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Sore Throat Remedy Cure Heal Pain Strep Infection Natural Remedies Infections Treatments Treat Salt Cough Gargle Health Sick Pictures Video Videos Signs Problem Flu Cold Disease Scratchy Clearing Voice Lost Yeast
Categories: How To
Eczema Home Remedy - Is the Itch Driving Your Crazy?

Welcome to my son was born with eczema, I became obsessed with finding safer and natural remedies.
Ranked 3.13 / 5 | 89 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: andyclerk
Tags: Eczema Treatments Cure Remedy Health
Categories: How To
Sinupret for Kids Bionorica's Natural Remedy

Sinupret for Kids, developed by Bionorica, is a safe, natural remedy that supports healthy sinus, respiratory and immune function. It is one of the world's leading herbal remedies for upper respiratory health for children age 2 and up. Here is the "Love You More" commercial now airing on TV. Watch and learn more on
Ranked 2.93 / 5 | 400 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: SinupretForKids
Tags: Sinupret Bionorica Healthy Herbal Sinus Children Children's Moms Care Kids Remedy Natural Green Nasal Immune Health Mothers Dad Fathers Parents Family Commercials Organic Respiratory Syrup Nose Germany Adults Phytopharmaceuticals Dr. Sears FDA Otc Over Th
Categories: Cool Commercials
Doctor Bob Sears & Sinupret for Kids - The Natural Remedy

Doctor Bob Sears recommends Sinupret for Kids , not a drug, but a natural remedy for healthy sinus, respiratory, and immune support. Learn more about Sinupret for Kids by visiting
Ranked 3.29 / 5 | 583 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: SinupretForKids
Tags: Sinupret Bionorica Healthy Herbal Sinus Children Children's Moms Care Kids Remedy Natural Green Nasal Immune Health Mothers Dad Fathers Parents Family Commercials Organic Respiratory Syrup Nose Germany Adults Phytopharmaceuticals Dr. Sears FDA Otc Over Th
Categories: People & Stories
Doctor Bob Sears & Sinupret for Kids - The Natural Remedy

Doctor Bob Sears recommends Sinupret for Kids , not a drug, but a natural remedy for healthy sinus, respiratory, and immune support. Learn more about Sinupret for Kids by visiting
Ranked 2.70 / 5 | 36 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Bionorica Care Children Children's Green Health Healthy Herbal Immune Kids Moms Mothe Nasal Natural Remedy Sinupret Sinus
Categories: People & Stories
Home Remedy for Common & Uncommon Diseases Part 1

In this video Swami Ramdev talks about the benefits of Yoga & intake of certain food and how it can help cure thousands of diseases for which there are no cures available so far by the medical sciences including Allopathic and Ayurvedic. Baba Ramdev Ji talks the benefits of the different Yoga techniques while visually teaching the different kind of Yoga/Pranayam techniques like Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom and Bhramri Pranayama. Millions of people have benefited from several minor diseases like Migraine, Constipation, Obesity, Wieght Loss, Head Aches, Body Aches, Hypertension, Cholestrol, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Acne and several kinds of Allergies as well as major diseases like Infertility, Cancer, Aids, Hepatitis, Parkinsons, Cardio Vescular, several kinds of Heart Diseases, Tumors of all kins etc were all cured just by following simple Pranayam techniques. Checkout to find details about his Camp in Houston, Texas in July 2008 as well as his other scheduled camps throughout the world. The site also provides links to other websites that provide more detailed information about Swami Ramdev.
Ranked 4.28 / 5 | 656 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Baba Camp Cancer Cures Health Pranayam Pranayama Ramdev Swami Yoga
Categories: People & Stories
Home Remedy for Common & Uncommon Diseases Part 2

In this video Swami Ramdev talks about the benefits of Yoga & intake of certain food and how it can help cure thousands of diseases for which there are no cures available so far by the medical sciences including Allopathic and Ayurvedic. Baba Ramdev Ji talks the benefits of the different Yoga techniques while visually teaching the different kind of Yoga/Pranayam techniques like Kapalbhati, Anulom Vilom and Bhramri Pranayama. Millions of people have benefited from several minor diseases like Migraine, Constipation, Obesity, Wieght Loss, Head Aches, Body Aches, Hypertension, Cholestrol, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Acne and several kinds of Allergies as well as major diseases like Infertility, Cancer, Aids, Hepatitis, Parkinsons, Cardio Vescular, several kinds of Heart Diseases, Tumors of all kins etc were all cured just by following simple Pranayam techniques. Checkout to find details about his Camp in Houston, Texas in July 2008 as well as his other scheduled camps throughout the world. The site also provides links to other websites that provide more detailed information about Swami Ramdev.
Ranked 4.25 / 5 | 193 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Yoga Pranayam Pranayama Swami Ramdev Baba Camp Health Cures Cancer
Categories: People & Stories
Relax to Get Pregnant (Health Tip)

If a baby is in your near future, relax--really! Here, learn why calmness leads to conception. ??????????????????????? WATCH MORE PREGNANCY VIDEOS! Click Here: ??? Relax to Get PregnantYT
Ranked 3.15 / 5 | 149 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Aromatherapy Couples Fertility Getting Infertile Infertility Massage Natural Pregnant Prenatal Remedy Stress Yoga
Categories: How To
Fishing CFarmer And Health Foods Processor
Ranked 2.64 / 5 | 248 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: funzo234
Tags: Seagate Products Health Food Processor Organic Fishing Farming Remedy Homeopathic Supplement Olive Beta Carot
Categories: Wheels & Wings
The New Biology- From Victim to Master of Your Health

Dr. Bruce Lipton explains how the New Biology will take you from a world of crisis and ill health to another level of masterful control.
Ranked 4.15 / 5 | 1219 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Mercola Doctors Dr. Metabolic Health Diet Nutrition Natural Cure Remedy New Biology DNA Cells Genetics
Categories: News & Events
Doctor Metabolic Health Diet Nutrition Natural
Ranked 2.59 / 5 | 118 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: funzo234
Tags: Energy Bars Processed Food Dr. Mercola Mercolacom Doctors Metabolic Health Diet Nutrition Natural Cure Wellness Remedy
Categories: How To
Why Soy Is NOT a Health Food

Review of the health problems with soy and why it is not the health food you were led to believe it is.
Ranked 3.95 / 5 | 1840 views | 0 comments
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Submitted By: Metacafe Affiliate U
Tags: Cure Diet Doctors Dr. Health Mercola Metabolic Natural Nutrition Remedy Soy Wellness
Categories: How To
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