মঙ্গলবার, ৩০ জুলাই, ২০১৩


So having been bored I decided to pop back onto this site & also decided to see if this sort of RP would get people interested. It?s based off of an anime I?ve really been enjoying called ?Attack On Titan? or in Japanese ?Shingeki No Kyojin?. So as you?ll see below I?ll be explaining the idea of the Role-play. Hopefully it?ll Interest enough of you guys to actually participate in it (:

Setting of the Role-Play:
One hundred years prior to the beginning of the story, giant humanoid creatures called Titans (?? Kyojin) have forced humanity to devolve to a medieval level of technology and to retreat into a system of concentric Walls (???? W?ru) known as Wall Maria (???????? W?ru Maria, outermost), Wall Ros? (???????? W?ru R?ze, middle), and Wall Sina (???????? W?ru Sh?na, innermost). Inside these walls, humanity lived in peace for one hundred years, but in the beginning of the story, a sudden attack by a gigantic sixty-meter Titan and a smaller Titan covered in armor plates causes the outermost wall to be breached, forcing mankind to abandon the land between Wall Maria and Wall Ros?, which leads to famine and turmoil.
Little is known about the Titans, giant creatures that are usually between 3-15 meters tall with a few exceptions. The Titans instinctively attack and devour ordinary humans on sight. However, they apparently do not need to feed to survive, as they do not prey on other animals, even with the long absence of humans, and can survive by absorbing sunlight. They have hard skin and regenerative abilities, and can only be killed by a deep incision on the base of the neck. This weakness led to the development of the 3-D Maneuver Gear (?????? Rittai Kid? S?chi), allowing humans to navigate quickly in a three-dimensional space to access the Titans' weak point. Although it allows great mobility to a skilled user, it carries a large risk of overtaxing the muscles, requiring special physical conditioning and a sense of balance to master it.

Image of the Roleplay World:


As you can see it consists of the three walls mentioned above. Wall Maria, Wall Rose & Wall Sina, In the Role-play Wall Maria will have already fallen, not literally fallen but as you can see the semi-circle in front of Wall Maria is a City with a gate opening into the inner parts of wall Maria, that gate has been destroyed letting the Titans roam between Wall Maria & Wall Rose, though any of the cities between Wall Maria & Wall Rose have not fallen, the cities are represented by the Semi Circles attached to the circles representing the walls.

In this RP you?ll be taking Role of Soldiers, there is three major Corps. The Military Police which are the elite of the elite (Meaning the one who scored the highest in the recruitment exams, only 10 get to go there every 4 years out of the 100?s or even 1000?s who go through recruitment) which reside in wall Sina (The middle Circle) & protect the most valuable people of the Human Race. The Second Corps is known as the Garrison Corps, the Corps which enforces the law in the rest of the walls & cities, and the ones who patrol the city & only fight if the Titans breach one of the cities. The Third Corps is the most dangerous & most known throughout the humans, The Survey Corps or also known as the Recon Corps, the Regiment who go outside all the walls & fight of the titans to either get resources, or to even capture them to do tests & they also do missions to protect the wall, they are the only people who are known to have went past Wall Maria into the Unknown land.
I think the most ideal thing would be for most of the RP?ers to be part of the Recon Corps which would make the RP more fun & eventful. Unless we done an invasion in which people who are part of the Garrison Corps would also join in. The Military Police would only join in if wall Sina was breached, so really being part of that wouldn?t exactly be fun.
Here is an Image of the 3D Gear by the way.


Right as you can see it basically straps around the persons waist & enables them to swing in 360 degrees through narrow spaces, it using grappling hooks to hook on to stuff & then two Gas cylinders situation above each sword box to push the person up in the air & around corners without touching the ground, these need to be refilled a lot. The boxes that contain the swords are the weapons they use to cut the spot on the back of the neck of the titan. If you have any questions about anything of it just ask & I?ll try to explain.
Here is an image of the titans by the way:


The ones above as you can see are normal titans, anywhere between 3-15 meters high, nothing really special about them.


The one above if the Titan that is higher than any of the walls, if I remember rightly he?s (Yeah there is only one, or so far they?ve only seen one) anywhere between 50-100 meters I can?t remember the exact height they gave him, but he is the one who usually starts the breach.


The Titan above is called the Armored Titan, His role is to destroy the gates which leads into the cities & further into the walls.

That?s about it, If I add anything else I?ll add the EDIT bit to it so you guys know (:

EDIT: Below you?ll find pictures to what the Military Uniform Looks like & the signs to each Corp.

The Emblems:


The Flowers is the Garrison Corps. The Horse like one is the Military Police, and the one that resembles wings is the Recon
Corps/Survey Corps & The Swords with nothing resembles the recruits who have yet to either pass or pick a corps to become part of.

The ones part of the Recon corps where a cape which looks like this:


The Military Uniform Looks like this:


It changes slightly depending on what Rank you are & obviously the emblem on the front changes depending on your corps.
Anything else just ask!

Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway

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